The challenge is that I can accept it as a bit work in progress, but the structure itself is not good. The screen flash upon loading is headache inducing, but it would be workable if the tool was at all useful. 

Overall, there are many things that can be fixed to make this game better, especially as it related to balances, but ultimately the lack of information on how mechanics work is beyond frustrating. It's hard to even fully understand how to help balance/fix things if it isn't apparent what the mechanics are supposed to be and what things are supposed to be doing.

It's somewhat laughable that it's necessary to exit the game and go to a third party site (fandom) that arranges information about the game to find out about the game mechanics. 

First, not linking certain elements is baffling. Like I can see a list of Legacy traits and then not know who it is referencing and not be able to click into which culture it applies to. This is true in many areas beyond this too. 

Second, how do the emblematic quarters not include what it counts as, what it replaces, or even what it does? 

For instance, you can see that certain EQ exploit all FIMS, like the Haven. But does it tell me that it only counts as a farmer and market quarter, but that the Cothon is a market, farmer, and maker? No, it does not. Or that they both replace the harbor? Or, how about a description of what the Orda does IN-GAME, rather than a history lesson that doesn't offer any clarity to its function. Not that I don't enjoy a good history lesson, but the game function is the priority, no? How about "It is an outpost replacement. It allows the creation of the Mongol Horde."

Third, the explanations offer nothing of use. If I go to the encyclopedia for explanation, I'm looking for some sort of explanation about how the mechanics work. Like does this apply to ALL cities/territories, or just one. How does faith spread? How are civics unlocked? The encyclopedia is meant to be an expansion of details not a different overlay to give generic self evident information. Like the faith/religion section is baffling in that it tells me absolutely nothing, in many sections and words, but offers no answers for how the mechanics work. This all the way throughout the mechanics sections is really frustrating.