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Bravo Amplitude - Humankind appreciation

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3 years ago
Aug 23, 2021, 6:51:33 AM

I just wanted to start a thread highlighting the little things that we (the players) may have picked up on in the game. Include a screenshot and explanation of what is going on. 

Just little mechanics or aesthetics that you appreciated and that can be misunderstood or easily overlooked. A lot of thought and love has gone into this game, and I really believe it is the foundation of something special! 

Anyway, call me stupid but I only just realised that after certain narrative events, the choices you make often have aethetic changes in the game for the remaining turn duration.

The event that I triggered was Bickering Lords:

Anyway, so I chose Favour, which gives Prosperous (+15 gold per turn for 15 turns) to Melbourne
Sadly, Perth was left to suffer which caused Protesting (-20 production per turn for 15 turns). 

Here's Melbourne after the choice was made to support their high-born Noble:

(It's difficult to see but there are gold coins flying up into the air and exploding into goldern stars randomly within the cities (and all adjacent territories) walls.

Meanwhile, in Perth...

This made me laugh. Fire, smoke, screams. You can actually hear the rioting in the city. 


Updated 3 years ago.
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