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Very high fame scores

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3 years ago
Aug 31, 2021, 6:42:58 PM

I'm a player who have gotten some very high fame scores all way back since Lucy open dev.

This is my highest gotten score, a bit over 45k fame which require many sources of fame, transcending in all era, all 129 era stars, all national projects, technologies, nearly all wonders and about 40 or so deeds. Alot of stuff to say it the least.

Here is another game, in that game I could not get all expansionist stars as the number of territories on the map was not enough, which to me seems to be a flaw with how expansionist stars requirement is caculated.

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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 12:20:54 PM
StealthBlue wrote:

So is there a strategy you follow like selecting the same Cultures every time or what?

Well I could write a guide, but its quite trival to get those fame scores except it is a grind and I don't recommend anyone try to do it. I'm just a beginner at the game so I'm not good at the game yet.

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