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selling and buying resources

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3 years ago
Sep 1, 2021, 8:44:39 PM

There's something I don't get about trade. I am always selling resources (lux or strat) for complete bargains, like 20 to 80. When I buy from others, it ranges between 250 and 6000.

Why is that and is there something I can do about it?


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3 years ago
Sep 1, 2021, 9:07:01 PM

When you Buy a resource you buy 2 things

1. access to the resource (goes to the other empire)

2. travel+middleman costs (disappears)

You can reduce some of the middleman costs by getting alliances with the other empire, travel costs can't really be reduced... also cost#1 depends on the resource, the cost of sage is going to be less than the cost of Uranium.

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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 3:21:03 AM

In other words, when you pay 1000, the AI is not getting that whole amount. They get a similar amount that you do. There's just a sunk cost in transportation that nobody gets.

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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 5:31:51 AM

Unlike the Civ series, here you do not pay only for the resource, but also for the transportation costs. The further the resources is from one of your cities, the higher the transportation cost. That one just goes nowhere and is considered a one time fee to set up the trade route. The AI also seem to pay it and you only receive the price of the item, like they do. :)

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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 7:25:53 AM

Thx for explanations. Luxuries have different base prices too. How is it computed ? It would be helpful to have an entry with formulas on the subject in the encyclopedia.

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3 years ago
Sep 2, 2021, 8:29:42 AM

Thanks for the replies. I should have been clear I am talking about the base price without the transportation costs.

Just the other night the moment I enable a new resource (saltpetre in this case, which is extremely rare as I am the only one who has it, only 2 of them as the rest have not researched it yet), it sells for only a few dozen gold. When I open trade and look at what I am paying for a similar resource it its often a factor 10, sometimes much much higher (without transport costs).

I'll see if I can find examples possibly with screenshots. 

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2 years ago
Jan 22, 2023, 11:59:21 PM

So why don't they code it to tell me that the other players payed $6000 to buy my resource? They just want to rub it in my face that their characters are magically unfair and way better at business than me? That seems pointless... The game straight up tells us that our enemy who stole our land and killed our people bought a resource off of me for 80 during the modern era and I can't even afford to buy their resource because it's like $6400 and that's insane. are you telling me that during the modern era, they're paying me $80 for my resource and some random ass middleman that's not even another player in the game $6320 you sound like you don't know what you're talking, I'm glad you understand there's a trade route mechanic but that still doesn't make sense kid.

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