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"Placement Details"

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3 years ago
Sep 4, 2021, 4:14:05 PM

I am surprised that there is not a general outcry against the fact that when you look at a potential location for a new district, a huge display comes up showing exploitation effects, district effects, and empire effects.  I mean, the information is welcome, but it blots out a big chunk of the map near the proposed district, thus obscuring neighboring tiles which are crucial for long term planning, as opposed to just this one district's impact.  You'd think this popup would be much smaller and in a less intrusive location.

Am I missing something?  Is there some setting to change this?  All I have figured out is that if you zoom in and out, I might find a sweet spot where it disappears.  Which hardly seems like the ideal solution.

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3 years ago
Sep 4, 2021, 5:02:55 PM

Definitely agree…(especially since you get a summary of the information already in a compact form)

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