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Humankind on GamePass is almost a scam and game2gether avoid the subject

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3 years ago
Sep 5, 2021, 1:02:28 PM

Humankind on game pass is bugged as hell on mutiplayer, no fix as of now.
It's straight up a downgrade version of the Steam one, as you can't rename anything (religion, army, city) neither you can rename your multiplayer lobby. 
You can't update the game in MS store, preventing you from playing cross-platform - you are forced to uninstall/install the game everytime - this is assuming the MS version match steam's version.

No word from Game2gether beside "we'll fix multiplayer". Nothing about game pass specific issue. They straight up ignore the issue, they straight up ignore the fact they removed any option to change the name everywhere (not a bug, they did it on purpose, no word about it).

It's a shame for a studio like Amplitude i had lot of esteem for. Sad

Just avoid gamepass guys

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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2021, 10:21:44 AM

Hey Ppeldo,

Most of the issues you are referring to here and sadly not really in our grasp.
The update process from the MS store is entirely out of our hands and preventing renaming is a Gamepass requirement regarding profanity.

The only point we can actively work on is multiplayer stability, which we are hard at work on as stated in our latest posts.


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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2021, 11:52:27 AM

Gamepass is on the Microsoft store and it can barely be called a scam, since you pay a subscription and you do not buy the game. The problem is that Microsoft puts a lot of restrictions on the games themselves so they minimize their cost on maintaining servers, making updates and the like. The Profanity filter as stated above by Chocossimo is a requirement on their side and does not feature in any other version of the game.

If you have any grievances, please direct them at Microsoft. The game works perfectly fine on Steam and even on the Epic Store.

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3 years ago
Sep 9, 2021, 12:42:47 PM

Regarding the Gamepass updating bug: the solution (workaround) is to get the update through the Microsoft store app, not through the xbox gamepass app (where the update function is broken).

Find and run the Microsoft store app on your pc (it was on the start menu for me, or search for it) then select the "..." menu in the upper right and then "downloads and updates." Then select the "Get updates" button.

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3 years ago
Dec 31, 2021, 7:02:35 PM

By the way, the feature that allows you to select a historical religion (like Islam or Christianity) is not in this game either.  Its not on the tennet screen (where you are supposed to locate a dropdown) and it's not on the religion screen on the main menu when you click on the faith button.  It simply does not exist.

Which is funny - if you think its because of game pass / MS policies then you are mistaken.  Crusader Kings 3 is another game on gamepass and you can select any normal historical religion you want.  You can go on crusades and kill "infidels" and a number of other atrocities - so obviously clearly, this missing feature isn't about policies.

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