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NPC attitude?

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3 years ago
Sep 11, 2021, 2:35:50 AM

How does the NPC attitude work (how much they like or dislike you)?

Do NPCs dislike you for having demands on them, or for having made a demand on them?

Will they like you more if you withdraw demands, and does renouncing multiple grievances stack and make them like you more?

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3 years ago
Sep 13, 2021, 6:44:18 AM

Not sure about stacking and some of it depends on the personas biases as well. I usually look at the attitude arrows and try to figure out why/not they like me . A lot of things seem to factoring including what you mentioned. Active treaties, renouncing, their bias, grievances , etc

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3 years ago
Sep 13, 2021, 6:53:36 AM

More examples from wiki:

  • Actions such as buying Resources and making an Alliance can improve the relationships, while breaking treaties and pressing Demands can deteriorate the relationships.
  • The differences in different empire ideologies are measured in Ideological Proximity, which can also influence AI Empire's Attitude.
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