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logo amplifiers simplified

Improvement suggestion

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3 years ago
Sep 12, 2021, 10:52:40 AM

Hello everyone!

There's something that has annoyed me a lot, the turns aren't being respected, because when it's my turn to play the AI can also be move, it's very annoying, you want to make an attack or plan a move, the AI is there with moves to make and don't, open moves, this results in battles where you always start as a Defender, unfair and very boring, I found this innovation or error, very bad, after all the 4x player is a board player, he wants to think the tactic, programming your empire, setting up the strategy, like a chess game, but that way it's impossible, because the AI is waiting for you to move to move too, it's a bizarre thing, looking like a sloppy RTS, I think the player has to make ALL the moves and end the turn, leaving behind only the “retreat” option.

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3 years ago
Sep 12, 2021, 4:10:03 PM

For single player, which is all i will ever get to play, i agree with you and have also had this annoyance occur many times. If i was playing multiplayer, simultaneous turns would be a requirement.

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