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Clear ruins? What does it do?

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 12:28:58 PM

Sometimes you get the construction project "Clear Ruins".

When I click it, there is no spot highlighted to be clicked on. Anyone know what's it for?

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 12:41:31 PM

It does what it says, but there is no highlight on the map until you mouseover a valid spot. So finding the ruins is somewhat difficult.

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 12:43:29 PM

You need to click on ruins. ruins are what remains when an independant city falls or when another civilization disapear. When the ruins are there, you can't exploit the case covered, so you need to remove those ruins. When you move your cursor over a ruin, it will change color, so don't worry, if you don't notice them, that's probably because there aren't any 

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 12:45:07 PM
Askeladd wrote:

You need to click on ruins. ruins are what remains when an independant city falls or when another civilization disapear. When the ruins are there, you can't exploit the case covered, so you need to remove those ruins. When you move your cursor over a ruin, it will change color, so don't worry, if you don't notice them, that's probably because there aren't any 

That production will only show up if there are any. So there must be at least one ruin somewhere.

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 1:18:59 PM

The harder question is: what's the benefit of clearing ruins? I'm not aware of any downsides. Quite the opposite - you can build districts off of ruins and also on top of ruins. Clearing ruins on the other hand costs production.

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 1:19:31 PM

Got it, thanks.

I think it should be hilighted like placing stuff on a luxury/strategic resource.

When you have a super huge patch of land attached to a city, finding that ruin is a pain.

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 1:40:57 PM

Ruins are a worthless addition and should be removed.

Waste of resources to remove ruins. They provide no negative impact, so just wait until you're ready to actually build something on them.

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3 years ago
Sep 14, 2021, 1:49:01 PM
Dayvit78 wrote:

Ruins are a worthless addition and should be removed.

I agree they're pretty worthless, but I'd love to see something interesting given to ruins instead.  The're a place for squatters, tomb robbers, archaologists, and people living on the fringes of society.  Maybe give ruins -5 Stability, +2 Money, +2 Science, and +1 Influence or something like that, and a possibility for narrative events.

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3 years ago
Sep 18, 2021, 1:28:31 AM

I agree they're pretty worthless, but I'd love to see something interesting given to ruins instead.  The're a place for squatters, tomb robbers, archaologists, and people living on the fringes of society.  Maybe give ruins -5 Stability, +2 Money, +2 Science, and +1 Influence or something like that, and a possibility for narrative events.

Awesome idea!

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3 years ago
Sep 18, 2021, 9:05:15 PM

As best as I can tell, Clear Ruins is currently broken. The tooltip says it's supposed to reopen the tile for exploitation. However, it doesn't do that. The ruin graphics are cleared on the map and the hover text shows exploitation. But the UI overlay showing yields is blank on the tile and if you do the math in the city screen you'll see that the supposed exploitation yields aren't counted. I believe the exploitation will work correctly if you build a new district exploiting the tile, but it won't reopen exploitation for existing districts. The impact of this is variable but can be significant on later game river tiles adjacent to a city center or AC.

I haven't checked this in the patch that just hit, but I didn't see anything in the notes.

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