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Culture writing template

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3 years ago
Oct 5, 2021, 6:44:30 PM

I'm looking to make a good template for writing about cultures in a structured and informative way and here is my current template:

I have chosen a method of writing that first go through each of the four aspect of the culture in this following order:

  1. Affinity

  2. Legacy Trait

  3. Emblematic District

  4. Emblematic Unit

Furthermore I have chosen following breakdown of each part:


  1. Era stars

  2. Active ability

  3. Passive ability

  4. Summary

Legacy Trait:

  1. Each specific effect of the ability

  2. Summary

Emblematic district:

  1. Each specific effect of the emblematic district

  2. Types of quarters the emblematic district is

  3. Building requirement (if specified)

  4. Summary

Emblematic unit:

  1. Base attributes such as strength, speed and industry cost compared to other units

  2. Special traits

  3. Tech and resource requirement

  4. Comparison vs the unit it replaces (if it replaces another unit)

  5. Summary

Summary of the culture

After having written the basics of the culture, I will then make a comparison with the other cultures of the same era as well as what synergies it has with previous era cultures and next era cultures.

  1. Compare the culture with the other cultures in the same era

  2. Synergies with previous era cultures

  3. Synergies with next era cultures

Lastly, I will write about how I feel the current state of the culture, is any aspect too weak or too strong and why is that the case.

Please tell me if you have any suggestions how to improve it, like do you think I will miss something about the cultures if I use it?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 5, 2021, 7:44:44 PM

To me it seems great, i looked over it carefully 2 times and you seem to have included everything important.

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3 years ago
Oct 5, 2021, 7:52:18 PM
SmileyD wrote:

To me it seems great, i looked over it carefully 2 times and you seem to have included everything important.

I hope so, because the next step is to write about goth and that will take a long time to do.

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