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Another Vid explaining a point of view about the unintended Beta stability .

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3 years ago
Nov 3, 2021, 3:20:42 AM

Agreed. It seemed like it could have been more interesting. But on the whole the most appreciable change was that in the earlier era's it did pressure me to mix up the districts I was building a bit more than before. Amusingly the cities can still be grown pretty rapidly. It seemed like on paper it'd create a more dynamic urban landscape because combined with the increased cost of districts you're better off more intentionally focusing a cities main output as either industry / science / gold. But because of the industrialist and science affinities it just doesn't matter that much. Stability does go up and down a bit more but mostly I'm maybe coming around to agree that the people who are planning to rework it with mods may be on to something. Stability, like so many systems, seems to have potential but was nerfed to avoid hurting gameplay pacing.

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