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Emblematic District Tier List Continued - Medieval Era

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3 years ago
Nov 23, 2021, 9:16:59 PM

Medieval Era Emblematic District Tier List

S: Baray, Stronghold

A: Grand Mosque, Orda, Naust

B: Luxuries Market, Hippodromos, Scriptorium

C: Kaiserdom

D: Sacrificial Altar

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3 years ago
Nov 24, 2021, 3:34:04 AM

I'm going to agree with your ranking on most of those.

Following your post about the low ranking of Dunnu (Assyrians) in ancient era, I mentioned that at least you get +1 land movement. So I've started a game where I'm focusing on land movement. As you show, the Sacrificial Altar not worth it - it's low influence, and the stability it grants is minimal. However, Aztecs give you +2 land movement. Combined with the 4th tier tenet of +1 land movement. Now all my armies are moving at 8 vs 4 originally, and 10 for cavalry. So if you're willing to forgo some EQ bonuses, the land movement benefit is nice but not great.

The one I question is Orda - the AI usually picks this so I've never used it. To me, it seems Goths and Hun cultures are seriously DISadvantaged because they can't build cities and so they fall far behind.

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