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Attaching an Outpost

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 10:41:29 PM
I'm looking for advice regarding attacking outposts. It appears that I can grow an outpost to about 4 pop, but if I attach the outpost I'm suddenly hit with a huge food penalty. The outpost can grow 4 pop but doesn't come with enough resources to maintain that pop. In addition, I feel like I constantly don't have enough food in my cities.

Any advice?
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3 years ago
Dec 6, 2021, 5:51:01 AM

I have two responses:

1) If the added pop makes your city go over the city limit (number of FIMS slots available), there's a penalty in food consumption. Best way to resolve it is to build more farmers quarters or makers quarters so you can build districts faster than population grows.

2) If that's not the case, I think there may be a display bug in the first turn after attaching. I see a wild negative, but next turn it's back to positive. I'm not sure if this is due to a pop dieing at the end of the turn or just a display bug.

Another thing I do if I'm overpopulated is to build military - it's a way to store pops who don't require food. But it depends if you can afford the gold cost.

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