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My army is lost after I force my enemy to surrender. Because I cant move in their territory.

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3 years ago
Dec 8, 2021, 4:14:47 PM


I was in a war where the other side was close to surrendering. So, I tried to attack a city on an island hoping to be able to capture it. The battle lasts a couple of turns before I force them to surrender. Unfortunately, this happened before I captured this city leading to my army stranded inside their territory unable to move out of their city border. The reason was that I was not able to leave the island and their territory in one turn...

I do not really see this as very realistic. I should be allowed to at least leave with my army and not lose it completely?

Or am I doing something wrong?

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3 years ago
Dec 8, 2021, 4:59:19 PM
You should be able to move it by selecting a destination outside of the enemy territory - even if it requires embarking. Where did you get stuck? Do you have a screenshot?
Worst case scenario is try to get "open borders" though it's unlikely they'll want to do that after a war. You do need to get out of there fast.
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3 years ago
Dec 8, 2021, 5:12:33 PM
Dayvit78 wrote:
You should be able to move it by selecting a destination outside of the enemy territory - even if it requires embarking. Where did you get stuck? Do you have a screenshot?
Worst case scenario is try to get "open borders" though it's unlikely they'll want to do that after a war. You do need to get out of there fast.

You are absolutely correct! When selecting a destination outside enemy territory I got the message saying this was not possible as I was not in war with this country. After your reply I still tried to command the move and my army indeed walked towards the border. The next turn I was able to leave their borders behind with only 4% health left (!)

Thank you!

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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 2:14:19 AM

Congrats. You should rename them "The Survivors"

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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 5:19:30 AM
Dayvit78 wrote:

Congrats. You should rename them "The Survivors"

No they should rethink the whole design. It's stupid that you're the victor, yet severely punished for it.

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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 10:55:09 PM
Dale_K wrote:
Dayvit78 wrote:

Congrats. You should rename them "The Survivors"

No they should rethink the whole design. It's stupid that you're the victor, yet severely punished for it.

I tend to agree. It does not make sense. Maybe one should be allowed at least a few turns to leave before one starts to take damage? Especially since I have little to no control over when the surrender happens (even though the game say that I force it). If I was in control in this particular case, I'd wait to force this surrender until I had taken the city. It was just a matter of time.

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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 11:35:47 PM

That's the two things I'd like to see in the game, a temporary status for your armies allowing them to move freely across defeated empire's territory (maybe even add a one-sided open borders treaty as something we can spend spare war score on? All for more things to do with it, rather than just either grabbing more territory or cashing it out) and ability to prolong an already won war at the cost of ticking down war support, so you can quickly achieve some additional goals if you choose so - I'm not really against game acting as a sports referee and calling it done when one side is knocked out, but rather than cutting the conflict out at this point it should strongly recommend winner to do so.

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3 years ago
Dec 11, 2021, 3:47:59 AM

Happened to me on my last game, my army was between a city and cliff. I don't know why they don't just do what Civ does by simply teleporting your units to the border.

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3 years ago
Dec 11, 2021, 6:53:58 AM

One big problem with this game is that the developer conceives of the AI as the house - and the house always wins, even if it didn't. If there is the slightest chance that the house won't win (or actually lost), the game pulls some stunt like the one described above, or it just seizes up so you have to restart the game from the Neolithic. It's just pathetic. Honestly, playing against this AI is like playing against a player who immediately rage quits when they lose a battle (battle freeze bug anyone?).

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3 years ago
Dec 12, 2021, 2:53:53 PM
Dale_K wrote:
Dayvit78 wrote:

Congrats. You should rename them "The Survivors"

No they should rethink the whole design. It's stupid that you're the victor, yet severely punished for it.

It's not that hard to move your army out of the other player's territory though.

I mean, Hoggorm didn't realize he could, until he was told how to (queue up a move action to a tile out of the city's territory).

I do think it's something they could fix (as others said, just copy Civ's teleport your armies out of enemy territory).

Although I did have 1 game where I had a unit surrounded by cliffs or city districts, and that army had to stay in the territory until they died ?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 23, 2022, 5:19:33 AM

@CyRob (or any other mod that's around)

FYI, it looks like we've got 2 spammers in this thread. (cookieclickeraz and Landon29299)

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 23, 2022, 4:36:59 PM

It would be nice if you get a 10 turn exemption to trespassing after a war ends. In the future roadmap, it looks like they are going to rework the forced surrender. hoping it makes it user-controlled.

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