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Religion/faith after tenets

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3 years ago
Apr 2, 2022, 8:09:15 AM

To my understanding; the point of religion is tenets. And in order to  gain tenets i need followers, and to gain followers i need to increase  my faith output, which will spread my religion.

Currently I'm playing a game where I'm about to enter the Early Modern Era and i have already unlocked all 4 tenets.

Is there still any point to increasing my faith output? Is there a +X per faith/follower down the line or something?

Because  i have plenty of cultures to select that will increase my faith output,  but is there anything to be gained from faith after tenets have been unlocked?
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3 years ago
Apr 7, 2022, 12:40:52 AM

The only reason to further expand your faith output is if other cultures are getting alot of faith - and therefore potential to convert your people. Since some tenets are based on number of followers, then you will lose some of the benefit. And in general, it's fun to keep pushing and convert other empires - it gives you a casus belli. Conversely, if they convert your provinces, they have one on you.

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