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Old Challenges

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2 years ago
Oct 25, 2022, 6:35:34 PM

The game shows that I never completed the Da Vinci Event or Holi Festival Event and that is true. I thought those were time based? Why do they still tell me I can complete them? Since they are old, is there a way I can get the Da Vinci Persona and the Nayakuralu Nagamma persona without completing the challenge?


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2 years ago
Oct 25, 2022, 8:44:20 PM

I'm afraid you have to complete the challenges. The good news is that you can do it whenever it pleases you.

First off, the in-game events and their rewards are back! Couldn’t finish the Dia de los Muertos challenges and unlock La Catrina? Missed out on the cool player icons from the da Vinci event? No problem. Just jump back in and grab what you missed. Except this time, there’s no time limit! You can finish these challenges and unlock their rewards at your own pace. The Lunar New Year challenge has also been re-opened for a second chance to unlock the persona.


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2 years ago
Oct 26, 2022, 3:19:48 PM
truncated wrote:

The game shows that I never completed the Da Vinci Event or Holi Festival Event and that is true. I thought those were time based? Why do they still tell me I can complete them? Since they are old, is there a way I can get the Da Vinci Persona and the Nayakuralu Nagamma persona without completing the challenge?


As Cure_off mentioned. We decided that all the previous challenges will be completely open to finish at any time.
And no, no way to get the rewards without doing them hehe

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2 years ago
Jan 22, 2023, 1:58:34 AM
Anonymous wrote:
The good news is that you can do it whenever it pleases you.

This is probably a silly question but can you please help, how can we play old challenges such as the Da Vinci event?

Thank you!

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2 years ago
Jan 24, 2023, 3:14:51 PM
Paddington wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
The good news is that you can do it whenever it pleases you.

This is probably a silly question but can you please help, how can we play old challenges such as the Da Vinci event?

Thank you!

You can access the list of challenges from the main menu, next to the scenarios. You need to be connected to Amplifiers to complete them, though, so make sure you're logged in. (There's currently a problem where the game may log you out when you close it, and we're investigating that.)

If you're logged in, you can just complete the objectives as you play.

Updated 2 years ago.
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