Hello everyone, 

Let me recommend a Excellent MOD to u: the Mythical Natural Wonders MOD.

Every Natural Wonder gives +10 Stability in the city or outpost and a one-time +30 Science when first finding the wonder (removed,Because now they are uniquely、powerful and beautiful).If you want to experience all the natural wonders, please buy the dlc

Irst of all I love the people all over the world and the natural wonders of the world!I would combine historical reasons, countries,natural type to give rewards,So each natural wonder has a unique effect And some natural wonders can be combo with their country, like Moreno Glacier(Argentina). Some natural wonders will benefit your empire from the start, some will gradually strengthen your empire, some have unique gameplay such as the Atacama Desert(Saltpeter War)

Check out this link if you want to know what they do (but I recommend exploring for yourself, it's more interesting)Docs.google.com

They may be unbalanced, but they are fun and don't worry about the AI being strong, the AI is not as smart as humans!

If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comment section, I'm a warmhearted good person.

It is worth noting that the effect of Mount Roraima is to gain a siege machine for every 2 saltpeter

Thanks to uncle2fire for his guidance,Can be used with super culture packs(and other mods that are not natural wonders ~sort last), but may make some cultures very powerful.
