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New War Support calculation

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2 years ago
Nov 22, 2022, 3:13:46 PM


Since the last update, I see there are a lot of new stuff that touch about the war support during peace period.

The alliance doesn't set the equilibrium value to 10 like it was before.
Congress have a lot of change there with World ideology.
Embassy allow us to pressure this score too.

But time to time, I see something related to "Number of Treaties". I don't see why it's appear :


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2 years ago
Nov 23, 2022, 11:01:47 AM

Are you asking what it is? Each treaty you sign with the AI (looks like both regular treaties and embassy agreements) are -1 war support per turn. It makes sense that you don't want war with someone that you have a high level of cooperation with. So if you want to go to war, you need to start breaking treaties first or influence alot of their territories (which also adds +1 per territory).

(sometimes I don't see it though - not sure why).

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2 years ago
Nov 23, 2022, 12:05:20 PM
Dayvit78 wrote:

(sometimes I don't see it though - not sure why).

Yes, this is the part I'm not sure. It doesn't display it every time, but only time to time, and I'm not sure what trigger it.

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