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I am having some issues with how small notifications are

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2 years ago
Jan 11, 2023, 7:14:27 PM

They are so small at the bottom, I ignore them most of the time or dont even notice. 

Because of that, I have no idea when the people around me start a war, what resources people are buying from me or most importantly when people ransack one of my administration centers and build their own outpost on it. 

I lost half of my colony because my "ally" whom I had open borders with, decided to raid my administration centers attached to a city and just put his outposts on them. I noticed 10 turns later when I finally finished a big war. 

It is quite frustrating. I cant even reload to get everything back, because it was long ago. Also because of the simultanius turns, I cannot place a outpost down faster then the ai. I cant call my allies to join a war either, but that is a separete issues.....

I would love if the notifications that represent war, ransacks, resources traded, could be in a bigger window. Something similar to Endless Space and Legend would work well. 

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2 years ago
Jan 14, 2023, 10:44:55 AM

It is impossible to watch through all notifications, so usually younhave to choose in game settings which notifications to be left. I usually turn on only war notifications(they tell you about ransacking your territories) and diplomatic notifications (that thing you were writing about wars around)

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