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Strengths and Biases while playing solo

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2 years ago
Mar 25, 2023, 8:24:06 PM

So, I've been scouring the forums and threads looking for the answer to this question but I'm either missing something or not finding an answer. 

Whenever I start a game I end up with the Genius and an additional bias, but I am unable to adapt different biases to my own player while playing. Is there anything I can do in the early game as an ancient civilization to adopt different biases or am I just stuck with the same buffs?


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2 years ago
Mar 25, 2023, 11:03:08 PM

The persona buffs do not apply to human players, only to AI. Your persona's buffs only apply when other players download it here on amplifiers and play against it.

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2 years ago
Mar 26, 2023, 3:56:14 AM

They need to change it so that I can bypass the dumb "download other players persona" system. Just let us customize out Solo play persona.

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2 years ago
Mar 26, 2023, 12:22:01 PM
USSER wrote:

They need to change it so that I can bypass the dumb "download other players persona" system. Just let us customize out Solo play persona.

I would prefer more historical A.I. leaders. I don't like the option of having to add teabagger69420 to my game just to get a challenge. 

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2 years ago
Mar 26, 2023, 9:36:34 PM
docktorkain wrote:

The persona buffs do not apply to human players, only to AI. Your persona's buffs only apply when other players download it here on amplifiers and play against it.

It would be nice if 'in-game events' or choices depicted early on in the Ancient Era (whether or not you evolve through discoveries, gathering foods, or battling 10 mammoths) would yield individual biases for your playthrough. Imagine that your clan battles 2 deer, 3 mammoths, and 5 bears before evolving into the Hittite population, where you gain the warrior buffs AND yielded an additional bias where Army Units cost -50% or +2 strength on Unit for the bias of fighting your way out of the early game. OR if gathering food was your primary gain for population and your have 2 settlements already that you gain +5 food on outpost/city and +10 stabilization on Farmer's Quarters, or otherwise by hidden agenda add in achievements from the ancient era to determine your biases. It would make for a slower start in the game but a much better evolution than not having any biases at all.

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2 years ago
Apr 1, 2023, 3:06:15 AM

Changes I'd like to see:

1. Let us play as our avatar with all of the archetypes, strengths, and biases.

2. Give all of the current AI leaders the full complement of 3 archetypes, 2 strengths, and 2 biases. Perhaps make the AI only use the archetypes and biases on lower difficulties, add 1 strength for medium difficulty, and 2 strengths for Empire and above.

3. Add new historical leaders with different ability combos to allow for a full range of combinations to play against.

4. Allow us the ability to redo archetypes, strengths, and biases at era change (new choices are unlocked based on how we've played or what culture we've been or are going to be).

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