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The size of this community makes it miserable to play the game at times

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2 years ago
Apr 14, 2023, 5:35:35 AM

I think this game does a lot of things right and I don't want to bash it but regardless of the dozens of hours I've sunk into this game I feel like I've learned nothing. And I'll admit I'm pretty bad at most games but usually I get to the point where I'm decent, usually from the help of guides. The issue is this game kind of fizzled out after launch, there's like one youtuber that still puts content out for this game regularly and looking up tips for this game feels impossible with so little results coming up. And with most of the guides made coming out around the time of its launch it's hard to find up to date information. The wiki can be helpful for understanding bits of gameplay but not how to use them efficiently.

I really want to enjoy this game and I know I need to get good because 9/10 games I get ganged up on by the AI, my economy tanks to keep up with my army, my production is poor because I've been trying to maintain an army or my stability barely stays over 30 due to districts. Does anyone know any resources for learning the game? Because I know this game has so much potential it can just become incredibly stressful not knowing what you're doing wrong. 

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2 years ago
Apr 14, 2023, 9:34:57 AM

I'm curious, who is the yourtber who still putting out content?  Jumbopixel continuously pumped out good content since launch but hasn't put out any Humankind stuff in over 6 months.    

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2 years ago
Apr 14, 2023, 10:40:44 AM
peter79 wrote:
yourtber who still putting out content?  Jumbopixel

I swear I read "YurtUber" and pictured a mongolian rider for hire

On the main topic, I suggest you visit the oficial discord as people there are always happy to help

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