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Generic Quarters

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2 years ago
Apr 26, 2023, 6:54:56 PM

This is something that came up a couple of times when I was talking about HK to random people over the internet and outside of it, but moments ago I just launched the game to look at it and I think I always noticed it, but never really appreciated it.

Every 'generic' quarter in HK is built on particular plan, there's that giant, open curve buildings are kinda thrown against, those industrial-like districts that have a couple of rectangular districts with other roads coming in at sharp angles, simply a grid for more modern cultures, etc. When you choose a new culture all the buildings evolve, but the city plan remains the same and I finally took a good look at it. It was really amazing to compare a city of absorbed Independent People, mostly built up in Classical times, with main roads snaking around and buildings just clumped together in random spots, and one I've built from ground in Contemporary, covered with rigid rectangles. And then I took a glance at my home continent, on all those cities that grew in layers as the new times arrived, and the territories that got attached between eras. This is such a little detail, but still makes me stop for a couple of minutes to just look over the map (well, that and herding the animals in wild territories with your mouse cursor, you can't stop me and I don't care if you judge me).

Sorry for a none-thread, but just felt like sharing. And some screenshots to show what I mean

And the city plans, because you can see it even better here:

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