I don't even know where to start or if this should be in the bug/suggestion but here we go. Warmongering AI went and killed another AI then started to aggressively claiming all the land near our border, I declare war after getting enough war support because they were spam claiming territory. The AI was also massing troops on my border like they always do when they are about to attack you so I struck first. Beat 3 of their army back to their capital then after seiging and capturing it. I proceed to burn and loot the city as I'm low on funds due to the war. They spam white peace with me every turn and apparently they get a pacifist badge every time I refuse. After 3 turn I'm sitting at -7 a turn because of the badge and declaring war on them. This can't be the intended mechanics of the pacifist badge where they spam it after losing and you're force to accept. Even if I accept it and declare war again at a later date, they still have the pacifist badge. Got all the DLC if anyone was wondering. I can't even say they are gaming the system because I can't do something like that, its just basically a middle finger to the player at this point.