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Unique perspective - Mac M1 - Parallels Desktop Windows 10 Opening Crash

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4 years ago
Apr 26, 2021, 6:49:52 PM

As said in title, I'm using an M1 chip Mac Mini 2020, running Windows 10 in Parallels desktop. Upon opening Humankind from Steam I get this prompt, after which the application fails to respond until crashing. I'm sure only a handful of users would even consider using parallels in the future as it will be available on Mac but thought I'd put it up anyways.

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2 years ago
Nov 16, 2022, 3:15:56 AM

I'm playing on Parallels on an M1 MBP and get an opening crash prompt at the same stage. I previously played without issues, but now get crashes and can't even start a game.

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