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[Idea] Attempt #218 to nerf Soviet Weapons: A limitation on the Arms Factory?

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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 4:33:25 AM

I was thinking of new EQ abilities and limitations, and arrived at a mechanic that would allow for more powerful EQs that we wouldn't need to worry about stacking repeatedly in one city:  What if certain super-EQs could only be built once per city (Nazca excempted), with a condition similar to the Latinoamerica DLC Pyramid of the Sun: Must be built adjacent to the Main Plaza.

Apart from opening up new ideas for "better" EQs, this might even rein in a few existing ones, namely...

What if Soviet Arms Factories needed to be built next to the Main plaza?  If you have ten cities, you have at most ten weapons caches because you can only build an Arms Factory in each city's central territory.  Which is of course still really high, but they're spread out and also harder to defend, at least in theory.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 5:19:19 AM

What if you were able to build them in every territory but just the ones in the territory with the main plaza would give the resource?

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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 5:26:17 AM

Hmm, I do like it, and I'd even say that it should be a requirement for every EQ producing a resource.

Buut, I do wonder if it would open them up for an 'exploit' of detaching territory, making a city and pillage-attaching/absorbing it, making it just a question of paying a lot of influence.

I still think that maybe they should be buildable only on Strategic Deposit, replacing it, and probably only once per resource type (but that one would likely be exploitable as well).

Quite frankly, at this point? Hard Caps for EQs. Only problem is that it would make the cultures less unique if you could run out of those, but maybe they'd become a decision rather than something you spam at the dawn of new era.

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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 1:18:53 PM

Ah, you both make excellent points.  One solution could be that instead of "Must be built next to the main plaza", it instead (or additionally?) gained "When next to Main Plaza: Creates a new Deposit of Weapons which is automatically exploited".  That means it would only work when it's actively next to a main plaza, avoiding the exploit of detaching-and-remerging.

It could also open up new EQ power levels where we could still build an EQ in each territory, but an EQ next to the main plaza could give a stronger benefit.  Strange coincidence: There are six eras with six EQs, and a main plaza can have up to six tiles adjacent to it. :)

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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 2:13:10 PM

An issue I see is it'll favour having many cities and it's already the winnig scheme of the game.
I'd rather get a stability malus per number of cities » it would make building many EQ finally impact stability and taking new cities would also impact it, making it harder to use it to conquer the whole world.

And on a different level: having arms factories right in the middle of a city seems weird.

6 tiles around a main plaza, when not placed against a cliff or mountain. One of the tile could also benefit from a train station.

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2 years ago
Oct 13, 2022, 3:32:33 PM

That's why I'd love for Stability to become an issue to manage for the player first to make final judgement, but I don't really think that's the way to deal with Arms Factories. IMO, they need to have a hard cap because of CS bonus, it doesn't matter that every next one will cause massive stability issues, if you need something like 5-6, even less if LT remains unchanged, to make anything your opponent can pull out on you, aside of massive tech advantage, irrelevant.

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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 7:16:52 PM

Hey now, the newly-released Sumerian Eduba has a property of "+6 Science per adjacent Main Plaza" and "+6 Science per adjacent Administrative Center", which is a whole lot like what we discussed above.  Maybe this is something we can revisit?

So maybe Soviet Arms Factories could produce something along the lines of "+1 Weapons Deposit per adjacent Main Plaza" and something still respectable like "+20 Industry and +30 Money per adjacent Administrative Center".  Open up a new style of EQs that are great in the city's central territory, just-good in additional territories.

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2 years ago
Nov 9, 2022, 7:35:07 PM

I like that idea, still not sure it would limit Weapons enough to make them manageable on receiving side, but I'd like to see how it works, along with removal of CS boost from their LT.

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 2:09:29 AM
A1y0sh4 wrote:

What if you were able to build them in every territory but just the ones in the territory with the main plaza would give the resource?

This could one interesting way to limit really powerful EQs that isn't too complicated.


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