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Don't create population that will starve

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 3:50:50 AM

I have a really common frustration, which is that a city (or more commonly an outpost) will create population that then immediately starves the next turn. I get a notification every turn that some place is starving or has increased its population. Could you change the conditions for increasing population to be that there's actually enough food leftover to support an additional population member? I think this mostly happens when somewhere hits its population cap and gets the "Overpopulation" debuff, which is really common for outposts with only a cap of 4. Taking that into account when deciding whether to add population would be really nice. I don't think it would change the game very much practically, but would keep notifications to actually important events.

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 8:55:57 AM

I would say yes before the DLC come out.

Now, there is a use for this lost population throw embassis treaty.

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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 11:47:12 AM

Apart from now having the embassies treaty, you can always turn off the notification of starving.
But perhaps you should consider to attach those territories or creating a city, but at the end, population will always growth.

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2 years ago
Nov 12, 2022, 2:08:04 AM

I obviously have considered attaching outposts and turning them into cities. That is not always a good idea (or even possible to do). AFAICT, I can only prevent the notifcations from auto-expanding, but they still show up as unread notifications in the panel. I also would like to know if my city actually starts starving. I just don't want a notificaiton every single turn about the same outpost toggling between 5 and 4 population.

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2 years ago
Nov 20, 2022, 12:13:54 PM

I would like an option to turn off creating new pop if it would starve.


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2 years ago
Nov 22, 2022, 3:07:54 AM

Just want to add that it may be hard for the game to know whether there will be enough food. In a city food can change rapidly from one turn to the next depending on resource availability and infrastructure. For example, there is one infrastructure that gives 5 food per access to horses. If you lose horses, you can go from positive to negative in one turn. The game can't predict that so it wouldn't know to not create a new pop. Same for many luxury resources, especially the ones that provide % increase. And lastly, there's the civic that has food production on a slider. All of these can change making massive food production changes - in my recent game, I once went from 4500 to 3500 in one turn (that's ~25%)!

Fluctuations themselves are not bad - it's a fact of life. But what's weird is how you can be losing alot of food, then create one military unit and back to positive. The fact that 1 pop can create a significant difference in food production is a bit weird.

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2 years ago
Nov 22, 2022, 3:26:56 PM

When I see a starving city and if I have the gold or people to sacrifice. I build more infrastructure to keep up w the city growth or create units. You have ti be creative.

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2 years ago
Nov 22, 2022, 5:57:49 PM

This really bothered me in the early game, but once we got more control over our notifications, I did what Daarkarrow suggested and I've just turned off starving notifications.  I also do what Diyegoyya says, and see if I can sacrifice, rush build, or just turn that starving population into a soldier instead.

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