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More clarity in AI's attitude

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2 years ago
Feb 22, 2023, 5:05:56 PM

Everyone has already experienced it : the AI's attitude towards you becomes "needy" or "appeasing", despite your efforts to maintain a good relationship, even in the case of a long-standing alliance. This might go unnoticed but the fact is that AI breaks treaties arbitrarily.

This in itself is not the problem, it can even lead to conflicts, which is, it must be said, quite funny sometimes.

But in case this is not what you want, you should show in the description of the current attitude what led to this change of attitude and how to improve it.

I think these two attitudes are the only ones that are fairly obscure and happen often. We really need to understand them better in order to find the right solutions in game.

Thanks for reading.

Le Bambi Kriska

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2 years ago
Feb 23, 2023, 12:02:18 AM

I wouldn't take it as gospel, but there is a bit of info on the wiki site:

If that's all accurate, it would be nice to see more of this displayed within the game.

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2 years ago
Feb 23, 2023, 4:59:40 PM

Hello folks,

I think there are two sides to the issue.

The feedback regarding the AI attitude is a bit awkward.

The gist of it is that during the game, multiple events will be tracked by the AI and will affect the scores of your relation (ie. Trust and Strength). For instance, the AI will like you less if you declare war to their ally or it will feel superior if you depend on their resources. These scores are then used to pick an attitude. So there's not a direct causality between a specific event and a change in relation (with only a few exceptions), but rather an accumulation of events can lead to changes in your relation. The attitude tooltip shows you the most impactful events affecting your relation.

In my opinion, we do a pretty bad job at helping the player understand the link between an event and its effects on the AI perception of your relation and it leads to the kind of frustration you're mentioning (and it makes things quite hard for us, AI programmer, to balance). I'll talk to the team about that but I can't really promise anything unfortunately...

Also, there might be something odd with the decision to break treaties in particular attitudes. I'm quite surprised by the fact the AI breaks treaties if it is Needy or Appeasing. I'll definitely look into that.

Thank you very much for your feedbacks, I really appreciate it.



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