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Improve the Persona mechanic (customizability, accessibility and gameplay)

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a year ago
Jan 21, 2024, 7:09:16 PM

Hey guys, here's a quick list of suggestion that aim to improve the persona mechanic that, since the launch of the game, it didn't receive any update

  • Give us more options to customize our persona (ex: add glasses, more hats, maybe add piercings and, please, more cultures related things to add details to our personas... something like bandannas, scarves, Fez, Ushanka or other similar things...)
  • Give us the option to have more than one persona
  • Give us the option to play against one of our personas
  • Improve the Personas section of Amplifiers (ex: add the option to vote other personas and to add them a brief description)
  • It would be nice to have a short description also of the base game personas (ex: when and where [Agamemnon, Seramitis... or who other] lived and what they became famous for)
  • Give us the option to set a favourite culture for our persona (ex: Agamemnon will have an higher probabilty to choose the Myceneans)
  • Give us some "tools" to read easily the playstyles of personas (ex: give a certain colour to certain boosts...)

Feel free to add any other suggestion in the comments below

If you want to upvote it also in the Ideas section: https://community.amplitude-studios.com/amplitude-studios/humankind/ideas/3112

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jan 24, 2024, 1:24:13 PM
rafterbuckwheat wrote:

What additional features or improvements would you personally prioritize among the suggestions provided for enhancing the persona mechanic in the game?
#add piercings

#doodle jump


Probably more hats, but in general I would like to see more personas customization. This is one of the parts of the game with the most un-used potential

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jan 31, 2024, 11:04:36 PM

Yes! Let us make our own Personas like custom factions in the previous 4X games.

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a year ago
Feb 12, 2024, 7:43:57 PM

Kinda weird that they stopped doing events. We haven't gotten new special avatars for two years now. Neither the Oceania Pack nor the Diplo expansion came with an avatar in any way. I'm glad some more were added in the last patch, but they don't have unique art. Still annoyed that most unique avatars are some influencers some of whose names aren't even latinized when your game it set to English. They are extremely immersion-breaking and require manually setting your AI opponents every time so you don't roll them on random.

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