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Should the Flat Cultural Wonder Fame Reward of 100 Increase by Wonder Era?

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7 months ago
Jul 26, 2024, 7:05:11 PM

It can be tough to catch up on Fame, especially late game.  Other than the Contemporary research techs that award fame, there aren't a lot of non-star opportunities.  Currently, the same Fame reward for all cultural wonder construction is a flat 100, regardless of the Wonder's Era.

Should that be changed?

Should the fame reward of wonder construction increase by the Wonder's Era?

Some possible benefits of wonder fame increasing by era might be:

1. Since influence cost increases after each wonder is selected, this might change the strategy regarding wonder selection in early eras.

2. As suggested, building wonders in the Industrial and Contemporary eras might become a way to catch up on Fame in the late game.

3.  This might change the opportunity cost calculation of wonder construction in the late eras.  Perhaps in situations where you'd normally forgo building a wonder to focus on other areas, the Fame reward now makes it worth it.

Again, this poll is simply "Should the fame reward of cultural wonder construction increase by the wonder's Era?"

Follow up discussion encouraged.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Jul 27, 2024, 4:15:02 PM

I voted no, but I'm not totally opposed to the idea. It's mostly because I feel like it would be just another rock in the basket of 'just rush to the next era, go go go' and it is pretty full as it is, while, IMO, what HK needs is not even reasons to stay behind but maybe even outright some kind of force to do so (I still hope we eventually get the amount of stars required to advance as something you can change in game set-up, especially if we, finger crossed, get another expansion with its own set of stars like TWR).

I hear your complaint about not many chances to catch up with Fame outside of stars and I'd agree that various achievements side of Fame is rather poor comparing to how much trickles from stars. I wonder if they wouldn't need a major buff in general, so they fully become another source of Fame rather than being just a little extra on top of what stars provide.

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7 months ago
Jul 28, 2024, 1:39:02 AM

I totally disagree. The number of wonders already grows with the ages, especially since it tends to snowball, because the most advanced empires usually end up buying them all. So the disparity would only increase. I think it would be more impactful to encourage mastering each age rather than rushing to the last one.

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