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Chopping should be normalized at 3 turns across speed (modifiable by units of course)

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4 months ago
Dec 4, 2024, 3:24:19 AM

One of the central tensions for most 4X games is the consideration of chopping- chopping is a core tool of snowballing in virtually every 4X by allowing the player to sacrifice late game growth for early game power.  Unfortunately, at the moment, the way math works on chopping doesn't really work as well as it should to produce good tensions on both Blitz as well as Endless due to the way chopping times work- they scale based on game speed, meaning any time you shorten game speed you double dip into insane OPness and any time you slow the game down you reinforce how powerful Abstain from Intoxicants is by discouraging the player from even considering Apocalypsing their trees.

Suggested change is as follows-

-Retain base value of production, but at 3 turns the math works out much cleaner when factoring pop turns as a chopper/industry vs pop turns as a worker/industry.  The upkeep of a chopper is obviously much lower, *but* because the pop turns in city are paying out step-wise you actually get more total snowballing off of the city worker (not to mention more total production on 4x6 = 24 as a base vs the 4 turns on normal to chop for 20, yielding obviously lower total production).

-Retain ability for the player to add extra units to speed this process up; there are still good cases to send 2nd (or maybe even 3rd) choppers into the same zone on Classical if you are speeding it up from 3 to 2 to 1, but the first step on 4 turns to 3 is, as a % basis, just really bad on the pop turn math and heavily discourages it on Endless Speeds making Abstain nuts

-Crucially it also makes it less silly OP on blitz where it becomes so fast it kinda stops being a valuable teaching tool and kinda looks like a cheating tool.  People should be allowed to chop on blitz without feeling like they are playing on debug mode.

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4 months ago
Dec 4, 2024, 4:16:30 AM

Apocalypse the trees

Apocalypse bird in humankind when(pls help I played too much item asylum and suck at modding)

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