​Playing with the latest patch, I am finding the war (not) ending mechanism to be brutal if you are on the losing end of it. 

In a game against the AI, I declared war on two civs because I was sick of their crippling demands in the International Crisis feature and after a while I got beaten down and I am hovering around 0 war score.

I have repeatedly offered to surrender, resigning myself to their original demands, but they never accept.

The civs are not in a position to conquer me either.

So, the war is now seemingly endless and the war fatigue has totally ruined my stability and economy and made it pretty much game over because of this.

I suppose the other civs have war fatigue as well, but the AI just seems to accept it and not do anything about it.

While I accept the consequences of losing a war and giving up stuff, this never-ending war is a dire way to end a game; I don't think it was intended.

I preferred the previous war mechanism with forced surrenders as it vaguely represents real historical limitations and prevents infinite steamrolling and this situation of infinite attrition.

With the new war mechanism in place, I suggest that the AI should be more strongly motivated to avoid crippling war fatigue..