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Multiple resource requirements for units

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2 years ago
May 12, 2023, 2:09:50 PM


as everybody knows stronger units requires more than one resource of a kind to be mustered.

Howitzer unit requires 3 saltpeter and 3 copper for example.

I know that is a precise design to force the player to grab resources or trade (although resource trade is not easy as require 2 agreements (luxury trade + strategic trade) but this leads to entire games where you skip "standard" units (like Howitzer) and force you, for example, to bring medieval units in industrial era.

I mean, it's ok to skip war chariots, and is also realistic, but common units like modern cannons should be always available (and remember that line infantry doesn't have any resource requirement!)

Is there any plan to convert lack of resource requirements into an increasing unit cost/slower replenishmnet/lowered stats? 


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2 years ago
Aug 8, 2023, 9:31:40 PM

Can I assume that this suggestion will be implemented in the next patch? 

This is what I understood reading the dev diary

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2 years ago
Aug 9, 2023, 7:42:49 AM

Well, we are making a change to the requirements, but it's perhaps not exactly what you suggested here. In the new system, you will still need at least one copy of each required strategic resource, but from there any resources you are missing simly increase the industry cost of the unit or structure.

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a year ago
Sep 8, 2023, 5:13:18 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Well, we are making a change to the requirements, but it's perhaps not exactly what you suggested here. In the new system, you will still need at least one copy of each required strategic resource, but from there any resources you are missing simly increase the industry cost of the unit or structure.

This approach is in the Beta, and I've really enjoyed it.  I also think it makes sense conceptually:  If you had a limited incoming supply of a resource, it makes sense that you still could make things with that resource, but that it would take longer and/or cost more. In game, it seems to provide a number of interesting choices and tradeoffs.

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a year ago
Sep 8, 2023, 5:37:47 PM

I love the new changes in the Bonny update. It has allowed me to make new and interesting units that normally is just not practical to build. 

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