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Suggestion: Change Early Modern Era To renaissance

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a year ago
Apr 13, 2024, 6:36:16 AM

Well, that's how historians refer to it. And, in fact, it's an "early" Modern. Renaissance is quite a generic term.

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10 months ago
May 6, 2024, 2:46:44 PM

I think renaming it would be a tad more confusing.  I kind of like it being called "Early Modern" rather than "Renaissance".  I'd have to check but Renaissance falls within the Early Modern period anyways.

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10 months ago
May 7, 2024, 7:53:50 AM

Short answer to this suggestion: No.

Slightly longer answer: We had extensive discussions about the name of this era before we settled on Early Modern, for reasons along the same lines as what A1y0sh4 and xuzheqi point out (though perhaps a slightly opposite reasoning: Renaissance being to specific for us.) So it's extremely unlikely to change.

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