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Bugs and missing descriptions in the LUCY open dev

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4 years ago
Dec 19, 2020, 2:03:11 PM

1. The competitive deed Number 9 has no description.

2. Civic Points: "Land Rights" -> no description of "Inherited Land".

3. Civic Points: "Irreligion" -> no description of "Secularism".

4. Fame list: The Empire on place 2 has 2962,4 Points, I want to say it has a wrong decimal number. All other numbers are right.

5. End of game: The number of population is wrong / different: In the star view I had a population of 255 (right), but in the list at the end of the game I had only a population of 205 (wrong).

6. End of game: The "enemy units killed"-number is also wrong: In the star view I had 26 military units destroyed (right), but in the list at the end of the game I had enemy units killed: 0 (wrong).

7. In my city Capua I was able to build the "Fishmonger barbar", although this city has no coastline and no way to build an harbor.

No bug, but not optimal: the chance to see the effects of curiosities is too short. Better would be a "history of gained curiosities" or a better description of the effect of the curiosity.

Updated 4 years ago.
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