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Weird Diplomacy - Oh. And a city bugged out.

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4 years ago
Dec 20, 2020, 3:53:58 PM

Turn 33 

1. Retreat scouts. 

2. Don't turn off the auto-explore on the scouts.

Turn 34

1. Propose white truce. Get rejected.

2. Fight the scout battle. If you're a boss and you know it - kill two units for a sweet sweet star.

3. Move the scout and the archer around if you feel like it. It doesn't seem to matter where you move them to.

Turn 35. 

1. Start the turn at peace with the Hittites and lose outposts in the lower west.

2. Have a huge debt (300 coinage)

3. Discover that one or two outposts have simply flipped over to the Hittites.

Repeat testing a few times until you also notice that your city in the lower west with the territory that flips has 0 production and appears bugged.

Phoenicians Turn 33 problematic diplomatic itteration.ctr

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4 years ago
Dec 20, 2020, 7:01:03 PM

Reoccurred in a second game I started. I had an option to clear "ruins" of a previous outpost belonging to a Neolithic faction this time though. So I'm assuming it might be a bug relating to that faction making it into a later era? Or perhaps founding a capital.  

Updated 4 years ago.
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