
I am currently trying out the culture conversion mechanic. Unfortunately it is not really clear how this should work, since the descriptions are unclear and/or wrong.


This is after influence bombing the area. 

  1. It states that I dominate the territory, although my influence is 0% and the owner's influence is still 100%.
  2. I get the grievance (oppressing my people), though I don't seem to be able to enforce it. When I demand the territory I sometimes get a proposal from the A.I. Neither accepting nor rejecting seems to do anything. Sometimes the A.I. seems to accept my demands (at least according to what the person says) and I don't get a counter proposal. But the result is the same: nothing. Or maybe my war desire raises. It is still not clear to me though how the A.I. is really reacting to my demands ( a general "grievance" of mine: the diplomatic haggling is very obscure).
  3. When I try to influence bomb again it states that I cannot do this on my own empire. It is not my own empire.

So how exactly should it work? As far as I understand it, I currently can only demand the territory every few rounds to raise the war desire and go to war. But influence bombing suggests to me, that I can at least culture convert the region beforehand. But this does not happen. Funnily enough, the region below works differently. There I got my culture to above 50% and it slowly went back to under 30%. I still could not influence bomb again even after 20+ turns (the area in the scrreenshot could be influence bombed every 3 turns).
