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Mouse Cursor Issues

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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 9:05:47 PM

Immediately upon loading, and during splash screens, mouse cursor seems to convert from an Hardware cursor to a (larger) Software cursor and immediately fly up into the top-left corner.  Moving the mouse shows the 'primary' cursor (small, hardware cursor) respond appropriately, but glitches to include at least an half-dozen other cursors radiating from the original in a top-left trajectory.

This occurs despite the following:

  1. changing from fullscreen to windowed mode, or fullscreen window mode (and back)
  2. changing display resolution
  3. exiting game and restarting
  4. unplugging and replugging/trying different input devices
  5. attempting to use keyboard controls
  6. somehow managing (by button mashing the mouse button) to navigate to another screen

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 9:08:49 PM

I have a similar issue. My mouse pointer flickers, as does the action boxes on the screen. It is impossible to stop the uncontrolable mouse clicking sounds and is unplayable.

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