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English Stronghold is extremely bad

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4 years ago
Apr 24, 2021, 3:34:42 PM

English unique building "Stronghold" is supposed to be a Garrison replacement, but it is fact so much worse, that it shouldn't be considered the same building. That is for several reasons:

- it doesn't get +5 stability from city watch

- can only be built once per territory (I usually build many garrisons to keep cities stable)

- must be built adjacent to districts (which makes it harder to use defensively)

- cannot be built when city is on low stability

Maybe I am just playing the game the wrong way, but it feels that Stronghold is an strong disadvantage to have in most cases.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 4, 2021, 2:04:05 PM

Was coming here to say this.  Either the stronghold should fully replace the garrison (providing all it's benefits and then more on top), or it should be it's own thing, allowing garrisons to continue to be created.

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