Hi guys, love the game. I've already started spamming at my gamer gang to get the game.
I've found two issues in my last playthrough:
  1. My neighbour (Rook) was stealing pops from my city so eventually we went to war over it. The war ended in me vassalizing the neighbour.
    However, he kept stealing pops from me and others. But now others blame me and want me to pay for it. Given that the Rook is my vassal, I feel like I should be able to forbid them from taking any aggressive actions whatsoever.
  2. The game's contrast is WAY overblown. It even makes my Steam overlay overblown. Its fine when I tab out. I've gotten used to it by now, but I'd like to report it.
    Idk if it matters, but I've got a HDR monitor, ultrawide, 144Hz, adaptive sync.
I do have one wish, and it has to do with the notifications. Please for the love of god make them pop up on hover. 

I'll gladly provide more information on request.
