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Need CS: Multiplayer Disconnections (PC-Steam)

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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 3:15:10 AM

I was referenced from a (SEGA) support ticket to put a post here to try and get this issue resolved.

When loading into multiplayer games with friends I am semi-consistently getting disconnected. I say semi-consistently because if I host the game most of the time it is perfectly fine however eventually either myself or friends get disconnected mid-game without any ability to reconnect.

I have on only 3 occasions been able to join a multiplayer game without disconnecting from the loading screen however I then get disconnected within a 30min period every time.

That is the only error message I have to go off of in order to try and remedy the issue.

I have disabled my firewall, added exception rules to my firewall for it. I have gone as far as to use logmein Hamachi to see if maybe that would fix the issue of me connecting with the host.

I have updated drivers reinstalled the game so on and so on with no measure of success.

To add I have yet to encounter the game crashing freezing or otherwise being unplayable it is extremely fun but without the multiplayer aspect of getting to enjoy it with friends it just feels a bit incomplete :(

Any help that could be provided would be most appreciated. We as a group of friends and myself as an individual are looking forward to dumping many hours into the game if we could just get past this issue.

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3 years ago
Aug 25, 2021, 3:18:34 AM

It's on their end.  I suspect we'll have to just wait for patch although some people have said if they just keep rehosting it works after 4-6 tries.

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3 years ago
Aug 25, 2021, 5:18:28 PM

personnaly, i have been playing with a friend and sometimes, that work for the first try, sometimes you need to rehost 2-3 time, sometimes you have sync problerme... It work but i hope they fix this issue very quickly

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3 years ago
Aug 26, 2021, 12:24:50 AM

pretty sure its the game's fault now. my group are all on fibre and cable connected, that rules out intermittent disconnections on our end.

just that the game is really acting up after a certain amount of turns and forces someone to dc. usually 25 turns or more into the game. not sure if its a set timing either.

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3 years ago
Aug 26, 2021, 9:27:37 AM

Multiplayer is unplayable at the minute, as above after 25 turns the desyncs start and the game breaks. resyncs do not fix the issue, logging out of steam, rebooting pc and loading an earlier save doesn't work. 

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3 years ago
Aug 26, 2021, 9:37:50 AM

It's a long problem with endless game :/ i'm really not sure desync would be solved, maybe they will lowered the desync appearance but it will stay forever

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