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3 years ago
Aug 15, 2021, 9:15:29 AM

If you think the thread is useless, you can delete it ^^

(English isn't my mother tongue, don't hesitate to correct me !)

Hi everyone !

I create this place for modders to hang out, talk with each other and maybe collab on bigger projects, an easier way to find people, share projects/ideas and everything you discover in Humankind worth knowing by the modding community

To start things off, I think it would be wise to agree on certain codes for our mods, to make it easier for the regular user to find what they want and need and for us to check/update what needs to be and provide support if needed, things like :

Version tags (Thank you Dembeor). A must do in my opinion

Clear instructions in the description on location of the files, what is modified, etc.... There's a huge number of people that barely know how a computer works and always asks the same questions over and over and over. Take 5 minutes now to do it and it will saves you hours down the line

Compatibility, it is kinda obvious, but the number of times I launched a game and everything broke because it wasn't compatible is way to high for my taste. Again, take 5 minutes to say what you think will be compatible or not, and you're not gonna have 5000+ questions on your mod page with "is it compatible with x ?"

Credits, again, it's obvious, but with the hype of the game there will be a huge influx of players and modders. I don't think it was a issue before on Amplitude's games, but we never know, so show the exemple !

If you agree/disagree on some things, or want to change or add things, just say it, let's discuss things, that's why we're here ^^

Next, I think a little presentation would also be wise so...

I'm Rexeit

Experience : I'm not really a modder like many of you. All i did that could be considered modding is changing files, values, and write xml code (as basic as it is) for my own benefits on games I played, those includes : Rimworld, Civ IV, Civ V, Civ VI, Minecraft, Dawn Of War, Endless Space 2, Endless Legends

Oh, and creating maps. Lots of maps.

I am willing to learn harder things, but never had the chance to, so that might be the time to start ^^

Can/Can't do As of now, only XML *cough* and music. You can forget everything about art/modeling. I can barely make stick figures, so a 3D model in a game ? That's just impossible

Projects : The game isn't even out so it's hard to say, some QoL improvement if necessary as those will be determined by the community while playing, definitely some maps (Huge/Gigantic realistic Earth in mind), and as I gain experience and we gain access to new tools and possibilities, definitely new eras/tiles/cultures, etc... In short, recreating a "Caveman 2 Cosmos" would be ideal :P

If you want to join the Nexus, go ahead !

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 1:45:30 PM

As of now, from what I could gather on the forums and some friends, those are some mods/QoL ideas IF they aren't implemented in the future :

- Endless turns with activable win conditions

- Science overhaul

- Smaller / bigger map sizes (if possible, it's in Unity so... why not ?)

- TSL (True starting location, especially for Earth maps)

- Counter/mitigate civic and religion spread, because as of now, you can't really do anything about that

- Tribes balance

- War crimes/Genocide (when the other party wants to surrender, but you don't and just want to obliterate them, with some balance)

- Changing name (like X's Empire, X's Kingdom, X's dukedom, etc....) Depending on size/event/wars and so on, also having the option to display the culture name AND the Leader's

- Resource spawn overhaul and choosing density when creating a game

- "FInd..." option, for resources, cities, wonders, etc...

- Special districts (garrisons, airports, etc..) acts as recruiting outposts sharing the town's production, with this you can build units AND structures at the same time with some drawbacks (halved production for both)

- Map scroll speed. Like really.

- Nukes on nuclear submarines/destroyers/bomber/omnirole

- More missile type

- Pollution overhaul and map consequences

- New buildings, projects and diplomatic outcomes for depollution : Nuclear energy and other green ones, reforestation, reserves and natural parks/coasts (unbuildable but gives a pollution decrease and influence and stability increase for exemple)

- 3rd party battle reinforcement, for surprise attacks and war declarations

- "Colonies starting with tier 1/2/3 buildings already built" project for older cities, expensive and long but not as much as building those yourself

- "Changing city center" project, have it reflect the desired culture that you choose at one point

- Culture lock, Zhou will enable all asian based cultures and disable the others for exemple. Extended for Wonders ?

- Religion overhaul. Choosing name, logo, etc...

Bigger projects :

- New cultures

- New eras

- New tiles

- New ressources

- New units

- New buildings

- New events

- New civics

Team projects :

- Fantasy-based conversion (those will 100% happen, because that's what people wants, but what will those be ? :p )

- C2C like conversion (my favorite)

If you have more idea, go on !

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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 10:12:58 PM

This game really do need a C2C-like conversion, imo.... so much content to go though.

Fantasy conversion can work well, just how far?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 19, 2021, 10:28:55 PM

Absolutely !

Yeah, those will be really long term projects

It will depend on the modding tools we will have, if it can be done in Civ 4, I don't doubt it can be done in Humankind ^^

Just time and dedication really

Oh, and talent. So, not me in short x)

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3 years ago
Aug 22, 2021, 6:42:19 PM

Assuming the modding tools are easy enough for me to use (I'm not too good at modding, but have done some), I plan to focus on pumping out new cultures.  Specifically:

- New Ancient Cultures from other geographic regions.

- Possibly a "transcended tribes" Ancient culture (especially since Eras 2-4 all have tribal cultures, with the Huns and Mongols in particular using tribal mechanics in their emblematic units).

- Extensions of existing civilizations to new eras (probably starting with an Industrial-Era America themed around immigration and westward expansion).

- Tweaks or alternatives to existing cultures.

I already have ideas mapped out for some of these cultures, but we'll see if I can implement them when the modding tools come out.  In particular, the transcended tribes culture has some mechanics that might not be codeable.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 24, 2021, 12:32:05 AM
Flactine wrote:

New Era and New Civilization with unique units, and more clothes for leaders.

This got me curious:  What era did you have in mind?  Stone Age (somehow), Future, or splitting one or more of the existing eras?

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3 years ago
Aug 25, 2021, 1:05:05 PM

The dev indicated that they plan to release a Unity tool that will allow asset modification/import, values alteration, etc. I'm not sure if they've indicated a timeframe on that yet. Understandably, it might be awhile as they're perfecting the game atm. We developed a modding tool in the meantime. It makes it easier to mod things and includes a mod installer/de-installer. We also made a few mods (e.g., one that removes barbarians from the game, which a lot of people were asking for). There's nowhere on Steam to post things just yet, so we posted everything HERE

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