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Plans for first basic mods

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3 years ago
Oct 29, 2021, 6:48:38 PM

We know that with the newest patch we can edit units now at least. We will probably be able to edit some aspects of cultures based on the pictures they shared. So what are some simple changes you want made to balancing?

I'll start - 

The Romans unique unit should be available one or two tech earlier, so that they are an actually scary classical era conquest culture. 

The Axumites unique unit needs probably a +2 combat strength increase to buff the culture.

If possible, buff the Mauryans emblematic district. If it added consistently another 4 influence or so, I think it would in be a good place.

We will see what they do with the new patch, but another nerf to the Khmer's Baray may be in order as well.

What is your wishlist?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 8, 2021, 2:15:41 AM

I found some Culture balancing mods, I particularly like this one :


Only thing I don't like in it, it nerf a bit too much Egyptian emblematic unit.

But it's really just that, the other changes look good on the paper.

I'm a too casual player to say if it's balanced for multiplayer.

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