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How to set district cost in a mod - If someone is ready to do that I show where.

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 10:01:08 AM

In this screenshot, you see where are the costs. Quarters, or districts, have "extension" name in the game structure.

Go in Settlement/RpnIndustryDefinition.

If you want to revert the game in what it was before the patch, you need to check all "ProductionCost" item and remove things like :

+ (Target.ExtensionDistrictsCount - 1) ^ 2.25

My others mod ideas, If I would have time to do it :

- Nerf a bit some of the 4 first industrial cultures. It's quite easy to spot what is a bit too strong. I already made a list of new values.

- Give more power to money : set a very favorable buyout, near to production cost. Test it with x1.5 for example. Find where are this weird "inflation" parameter and remove it.

- Try some balancing about the FIMS. All infrastructures get +1 money upkeep per era. So a era 1 infrastructure is just 1 money upkeep, a era 5 infrastructure is 5 money upkeep.

- Basic quarters (food, maker, etc...) have a -1 Influence generation. It don't apply to other building (harbor, emblematic, ressources, commons, etc..). Only the 4 basic quarters. Influence is the cost for extension.

- Provide 2 infrastructures in dead-end tech, like irrigation. Making for example +1 influence on river, and another giving a little boost in influence too. It's needed if basic quarters impact Influence.

- Set the grow factor like this : City can produce more than 1 citizen/turn. Make food better so the grow limit become lesser. Finaly strongly lesser the buy-out cost with population. In this way, food cultures could play more on food, and use often the buy-out by population.

- Set a factor, if you don't have X population, your city FIMS are reduced. From 50% if you don't have pop at all to 100% if your pop reach the factor value. Let's say something like 2 pop for every basic quarter. (I don't know if emblematic quarters and harbor should be in this, but I don't think some quarters like artisan, garnison, natural reserve should be).

It make cultures more strong in their field : Money and food can buy instead of use industry.

I'm curious to see what could be the game with this. It make a lot of interdepence with the FIMS. I speak about that before.

You can produce, but there is the influence cost for extension. You can get infrastructure, but you need money. 

You can get any quarters, but if you build too much and don't have the needed pop, it's less effective. So you need food.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 5:18:30 PM
Enchanteur wrote:
- Give more power to money : set a very favorable buyout, near to production cost. Test it with x1.5 for example. Find where are this weird "inflation" parameter and remove it.

I can help you with that. I just made a mod that does close to that: sets buyout costs to 3.5x the industry left to build something. Lemme show you where you can change it:

This define govern money buyout costs. It has 2 inflation-related parameters: Variable.CurrentTurn * (Variable.CurrentTurn/50) ^ 1.55 and Target.ProductionBuyoutCostMultiplier . To get rid of all inflation, I had to remove both and focus only on ProductionCost and Invested Production. 

If you want to checkout it in practice, here's my mod: Simpler Buyout Costs Mod

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 5:47:53 PM
docktorkain wrote:
Enchanteur wrote:
- Give more power to money : set a very favorable buyout, near to production cost. Test it with x1.5 for example. Find where are this weird "inflation" parameter and remove it.

I can help you with that. I just made a mod that does close to that: sets buyout costs to 3.5x the industry left to build something. Lemme show you where you can change it:

This define govern money buyout costs. It has 2 inflation-related parameters: Variable.CurrentTurn * (Variable.CurrentTurn/50) ^ 1.55 and Target.ProductionBuyoutCostMultiplier . To get rid of all inflation, I had to remove both and focus only on ProductionCost and Invested Production. 

If you want to checkout it in practice, here's my mod: Simpler Buyout Costs Mod

Yes, I saw your mod, I even subscribed to it. Alas I couldnt read the code.

I ve made this, and I'm actually testing it, and it work well :

Now I struggle to find where is the PopulationCost, when you buy something with population.

Also, there is many other buyoutcost I don't understand exactly how and when they are used in the game.

Finally, it look like what can be modified is very small. Or I don't know the way to do it. Or to add content.

All the things on my list are far to be done. 

Maybe the other mod tool BepInEx provide more freedom, but I didn't installed it, and it would take time to learn how to use it. It was already a challenge to make this mod.io working.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 6:01:48 PM

Just FYI, the productionbuyoutcostmultiplier will still create some inflation on your mod: you'll see the cost start lower than 1.5  and grow over time.
Population buyout is here, and by default it is either 5 or 5 * industry per worker, whatever is greater: 

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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 6:14:36 PM
docktorkain wrote:

Just FYI, the productionbuyoutcostmultiplier will still create some inflation on your mod: you'll see the cost start lower than 1.5  and grow over time.
Population buyout is here, and by default it is either 5 or 5 * industry per worker, whatever is greater:

Yes ! I was on this track but not sure. I put a lower value, but it was worse, so I did that :

It's x10 more easy to buy with pop than in the game. Maybe it's a bit excessive, but I wanted to make a high value to be sure in the test.

I don't know if I let 50 or something like 25. It's quite nice to use it, it could be good with 50. But now I need to know how a city can produce more than 1 pop per turn, and how to be less punishing on the food limit (when the city start to starve).

For now, I start to get a nice mod :

- More easy buyout with money

- More easy buyout with population

- better natural reserve

- Be able to build from harbour (or like)

I don't know how to make zhou emblematic build like a village (anywhere you want).

I would like to make an upkeed cost for infrastructure, but it look like I'm far away to make this. I could set easely a -x money value to the properties of each infrastructure, but it won't look like an upkeep. Also, it modify so many files, and for sure, the mod will be not compatible with another mod that modify one of these files.

I could easely put a -1 influence value on basic quarters (but I'm not sure if it will just be on basic quarter or an quarter producing the yeld fims.

So for now, I won't try these to last change.

If I can provide money and food more easy buyout, it's already a nice thing to give to these culture and be more competitive in their fight with Industry cultures.

I could nerf Industry cultures, but I feel like it's should be another mod. This one is called "buy-this", so I should stay in this.

EDIT : I will remove this buyoutcostmultiplier, I don't wan't the balance buyout cost / Industry change during the game.

I still put a x1.5 multiplier, because at start of the game, Industry is bit better, but we can see a basic yeld from maker quarter is +1, and +3 with money. It's the problem money don't have yeld with money, so always lower the other production of a land.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 6, 2021, 9:33:52 PM

Hey i've been experimenting with numbers for district cost. Is there a variable for total no. of districts empire wide and is it this - EmpireDioceseCount? I just thought you'd likely know.

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3 years ago
Nov 7, 2021, 6:57:24 AM
itcouldbeaboat wrote:

Hey i've been experimenting with numbers for district cost. Is there a variable for total no. of districts empire wide and is it this - EmpireDioceseCount? I just thought you'd likely know.

I just started to mod yesterday morning. So I can't know. I feel like for now, modding possibilities are more limited than what I expected. At least on this beta version. I can see some variables names in part of the game structure, but for now we can't access to these variables. I don't even know how to add a new feature.

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