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[Mod] Outpost Pop Fix - now included a fix so overpop is possible but without constant gain/loss

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3 years ago
Nov 12, 2021, 8:20:30 PM


some people probably know, that outposts go beyond 4 and than get the overpopulation penalty which usually reduces the pops from 5/4 back to 4/4.

This fixes this by changing the growth formula for the outpost. I tried to make the growth as closely as vanilla (Vanilla = food surplus = % growth per turn) but I can only average it over the whole pop amount. Which means, you will get your first 2 pops faster but the other 2 pops slower than vanilla. 

I also added a max growth of 75%.

Link: Outpost Pop Fix

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 13, 2021, 8:37:07 AM

As a note. I changed the formula since I did not take into account that due to bonuses of cultures they may be able to feed the overpopulation. This is now accounted for and should work as intended. Thanks to SmileyDA for reminding me on mod.io.

The table in above post is not valid anymore.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 13, 2021, 9:00:15 AM

It's great! You even made the calculation.

I'm curious to know how you did it. I struggle to understand how pop gain work.

The  main mod I made, you can  get more than 1 pop per turn in a city. But it's not enough accurate.

As I don't understand how all this calculate many things, I need to try and test. 

I don't know if GrowthNet is a variable you always add something into, or if it reset to zero when a pop is created.

They also have complicated formula for consomption:

0.25 * (Target.Population + Target.InvestedPopulation) ^ 2 + 6 * (Target.Population + Target.InvestedPopulation)

I don't know if it apply to Camp too.

Here I don't know what is "InvestedPopulation". 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 13, 2021, 9:11:11 AM
Enchanteur wrote:

It's great! You even made the calculation.

I'm curious to know how you did it. I struggle to understand how pop gain work.

The  main mod I made, you can  get more than 1 pop per turn in a city. But it's not enough accurate.

As I don't understand how all this calculate many things, I need to try and test. 

I don't know if GrowthNet is a variable you always add something into, or if it reset to zero when a pop is created.

They also have complicated formula for consomption:

0.25 * (Target.Population + Target.InvestedPopulation) ^ 2 + 6 * (Target.Population + Target.InvestedPopulation)

I don't know if it apply to Camp too.

Here I don't know what is "InvestedPopulation". 

The calculation is only tentative. I may have to change it again if necessary (it currently is a bit slower than vanilla in total, but faster for the first pops). Because from the table and the previous excess food = 1% grwoth does not seem correct, even though I had it in my game :/. I changed the formula since then because it seems to use the normal formula here too.

GrowthNet is basically the net after you deduct the food consumption. It is the number that is shown at the top on the screen which shows how much you gain or lose each turn.

The formula for GrowthGain looks if GrowthNet is positive and applies its growth formula. If GrowthNet is negative, GrowthLoss is used. 

In outposts the consumption is only Population. With pops over the limit doing an additional -16 each. Though it seems to be -8 in neolithic age.

I did not look into InvestedPopulation yet. But it might be the pop cost when you build something and it is still in the queue maybe?

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3 years ago
Nov 13, 2021, 9:20:07 AM

To help me to understand, I made like you, some calculation on Excel!

It's far more clear now. GrowthNet should be the number you see as a total in your food production. Can be negative if you have too much pop and don't produce enough food.

So, there is also a GrowthLoss property, making you loose pop if you have negative GrowthNet.

Then, it go in the formula. This formula do 3 things :

- Use your GrowthNet and see how many turns it take to get a "GrowthGain". GrowthGain is when you reach 1, you get a citizen. I suppose the game add values in GrowthGain, and then GrowthGain reset to zero when you get 1 pop.

- Make sure you can't win more than One pop per turn.

- Use the game speed, so you can get more than one pop per turn at fast speed and blitz. Not shown in this screen. It's the "Source.MaxPopulationGainedPerTurn" that is in the complete formula.

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