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3 years ago
Nov 16, 2021, 10:16:57 PM

There are a few issues I’ve run into lately, one of the most glaring being that regarding save files. I had an issue where my save file wouldn’t load, despite having all of the same mods active. The problem I found was that my mods had been added in a different order than when I originally saved the game, resulting in the file and game telling me that they didn’t have the same version running. I think it’s really bizarre that your game doesn’t automatically have the mods you’ve activated remain activated between restarts, and beyond that it’s even more bizarre that the mere disordering of the mods applied will result in the files becoming incompatible. Both of these issues should be resolved as soon as possible, but one way to mitigate it would be to allow us to create a different set of mods grouped together to be applied whenever we choose to. Because these issues took me a while to figure the cause and solution for, and this could easily turn casual gamers off the concept of trying to use mods in Humankind.

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3 years ago
Nov 16, 2021, 10:28:03 PM

This beta mod tool have really too much success. Everybody forgot it's a early access beta for testing. hey hey. 

I think Dev team will improve that in the next release. 

Now, when I start a game, I always write on a notepad my mods loadorder. And it's so painfull to reload (need to shut down the game), than I don't use it, so the game is like an hardcore roguelike game, with definitive death or definitive player mistakes. I don't use slow speed anymore while playing with mods until all is ok.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 17, 2021, 1:07:00 AM
Enchanteur wrote:

This beta mod tool have really too much success. Everybody forgot it's a early access beta for testing. hey hey. 

I think Dev team will improve that in the next release. 

Now, when I start a game, I always write on a notepad my mods loadorder. And it's so painfull to reload (need to shut down the game), than I don't use it, so the game is like an hardcore roguelike game, with definitive death or definitive player mistakes. I don't use slow speed anymore while playing with mods until all is ok.

You’re right of course, but it’s still necessary to point these problems out when we see them. That’s also the point of a Beta period, specifically getting the thing out so we can test it and point out the flaws we ourselves see need solving. 

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3 years ago
Nov 17, 2021, 1:26:20 PM
PhoenixStriker wrote:
Enchanteur wrote:

This beta mod tool have really too much success. Everybody forgot it's a early access beta for testing. hey hey. 

I think Dev team will improve that in the next release. 

Now, when I start a game, I always write on a notepad my mods loadorder. And it's so painfull to reload (need to shut down the game), than I don't use it, so the game is like an hardcore roguelike game, with definitive death or definitive player mistakes. I don't use slow speed anymore while playing with mods until all is ok.

You’re right of course, but it’s still necessary to point these problems out when we see them. That’s also the point of a Beta period, specifically getting the thing out so we can test it and point out the flaws we ourselves see need solving. 

yes, but this one (used mods not saved between sessions) is already listed in the "known issue" pinned thread.

the second point is linked to the first, loading mods in a different order results in different databases if some mods change the same entry, and would result in an incompatible save (so you don't need to save just the list, but also the order of activation)

that said, multiple saved set of mods is a good suggestion.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Nov 18, 2021, 2:59:39 AM

+1 on the multiple saved sets of mods and further, it would be nice to be able to toggle certain mods (or mod sets) to 'default', i.e., load mod (or mod set) by default on any new game started

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3 years ago
Nov 19, 2021, 1:12:22 AM

I think the mod-order thing is pretty important and worth looking into. If I hadn't read the blog entry about mod priority (which is mostly unique to this system I think), I wouldn't have understood what was happening from a UX standpoint. The error message displayed isn't really informative and it happened early on enough that it almost turned me away from the mod system entirely. The interface could either make it clear that there's a load order that will overwrite different modules on other mods (if I understood that blog correctly) or the "save invalid" error could be updated to reflect the specific issue.

Personally, I'd rather be able to "force load" a game with or without mods enabled. Seems like that'd solve the mod update issue, too. Just tell the player "hey things aren't the same, so you might see some weird stuff"

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