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How to edit our own existing mods?

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3 years ago
Nov 30, 2021, 7:38:35 AM
I'm extremely new to modding, and I don't quite understand how to modify a mod I've already published or built. When I launch the modding tools it always prompts me to create a new mod file, and doesn't let me select previously existing mod files. What is the proper way to edit existing mods we've created and published?
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3 years ago
Nov 30, 2021, 7:40:34 PM
PhoenixStriker wrote:
I'm extremely new to modding, and I don't quite understand how to modify a mod I've already published or built. When I launch the modding tools it always prompts me to create a new mod file, and doesn't let me select previously existing mod files. What is the proper way to edit existing mods we've created and published?

If you have not yet discovered this yourself, all modding is done through the Unity Editor(Unity Hub). The mod tools are just for the first-time setup of a project afterwards all editing is done through the Unity editor. Have fun modding!

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3 years ago
Dec 2, 2021, 7:23:47 AM
SmileyD wrote:
PhoenixStriker wrote:
I'm extremely new to modding, and I don't quite understand how to modify a mod I've already published or built. When I launch the modding tools it always prompts me to create a new mod file, and doesn't let me select previously existing mod files. What is the proper way to edit existing mods we've created and published?

If you have not yet discovered this yourself, all modding is done through the Unity Editor(Unity Hub). The mod tools are just for the first-time setup of a project afterwards all editing is done through the Unity editor. Have fun modding!

Short story about modding...

You know, in district properties you can set "bonusCombatStrenghUnit", it's something simple you set in a district descriptor file. It do what do Garrison. Give a CS bonus to adjacent units to the district.

Now, I wan't that, but only for NavalTransport Units. Yeah, it's what I would like to do for my mod DeepSea, with CoralHunting district.

So, how to do that ? .......... I spend hours to try everything. And no way to do that, no way to filter unit type.

I tried unitStatut on top army on the district, but... it's only ON the district, not adjacent tiles, and it's only if the unit was on the district at the start of the turn.
I ended to find a solution, look ok, give a EmpireBonus (descriptor unlocked with the same tech than CoralHunting). Apply on unit, set a path going to empire then district, set the Validation on Neighbour of CoralHunting tag (I had to create a tag also, and give it to the district). Here, I'm sure it will work, it check all correctly............. I launch the game... asap I get the tech... pending end turn.... This thing make the game bug... SO.........

I feel like I will never acheive to make this "looking simple" thing: give a CS bonus to only specific unit type on or near a district.

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