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Announcing the Enhanced Events mod

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2 years ago
Aug 15, 2022, 9:43:46 PM

This mod reworks and rebalances about 160 events in the game (of a total of 366), for a grand total of over 280 changed effects, making events more important, fixing some bugs that prevented events to fire, and reworking a few events that made no sense and/or had "always pick this" choices. If you want to have the game throw more curveballs at you and want a real rush of excitment when you see a new event pop up, this is the mod for you! 


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2 years ago
Aug 16, 2022, 4:44:45 PM

I'll gladly test it.
Are you intersted by some particular feedback?

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2 years ago
Aug 16, 2022, 6:33:23 PM

Of course! If there's any event that you feel thats a) too strong; b) too weak; or c) too uninteresting, tell me and I'll see what I can do!

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2 years ago
Aug 16, 2022, 9:23:54 PM

I can't play much lately but as soon as I can launch a new game, I'll try the mod.
I'll take a look at the changes in the meantime. For curious people: it's here.

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2 years ago
Aug 20, 2022, 2:14:35 AM

I found a little bit of time to play some turns and try the mod. So far, the beginning of the game seems not to change much. I'll have to play a bit more with it to get a better feeling of it.
Good point: it doesn't impair the unlocking of challenges, I had not been able to play during the first event and could grab some of the challenges.

One mishap, however, that I'm sure of, and checked.
I got „The Filthy Masses“, and it, if it seems ok for the food part:

It is not working as intended for the gold one:

It is supposed to be a negative.

Two more things:

  1.  a precision stating it is per district might be good, as most events give flat bonuses, sometimes so puny they could pass for „normal ones“
  2. and, but surely complicated, it would be nice to get the result, once the effect is applied, advertised below.

Thanks for the work!

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2 years ago
Aug 20, 2022, 11:49:12 AM

I found the error with Filthy Masses. I mistakenly made it reduce money by -2 per district, so its adding. It'll be fixed in the next update.

As for the tooltip error, I investigated it and found out that each state "category" such as "Destitute" can only have one style of descriptor - so effects like this that apply effects per district or per pop or per trade route our something like that will all appear as the base "category" shows, in this case "+X FIMS" and thats all. I don't know how to proceed, so I'll list my options and would love your feedback on it.

Option A: Do nothing. Let the tooltip lie. Pros: Easiest to do, its already like that. Cons: Lying tooltips that may require the player to keep the changelogs open to make informed decisions.

Option B: Make custom tooltips for all events. Pros: Fix once the tooltip problems while keeping the interesting effects. Cons: HUGE amount of work (like 3x as much as making the mod to begin with) and will not work with any languages besides English. Also makes updating the mod more painful

Option C: Change all events to flat and/or percentage values. Pros: Fix the tooltip problems with lower work than B. Cons: Will lose a lot of flavor and inherent scaling that current options do, as events will be back to either +X FIMS or +X% FIMS, instead of +X FIMS per something.

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2 years ago
Aug 20, 2022, 12:03:41 PM

Tough question, really. 

  1. I like the way it is now but the lack of information could make decisions complicated.
  2. Why could the tooltips from option B not be translated? It doesn't solve the added work for you.
  3. Seems like loosing part of your work

For now, I'd be more inclined to stay with option A. Not knowing the effect of decisions affecting the entire population doesn't seem so weird.
Actually, I could see some of them having a toolbox description stating the effect will not be disclosed before picking it.

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2 years ago
Aug 20, 2022, 12:50:51 PM
Cure_off wrote:
Why could the tooltips from option B not be translated?

At least for now, we can't mod localization, so mods can only be written in one language. If I want to make translations for a mod, I'd need to make one mod for each language.

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2 years ago
Aug 20, 2022, 12:54:30 PM

Got it, thanks for the explication.
Option B would increase work too much and would be a waste of your potential translators work too (I saw a de, fr and es version of the VIP, I guess this one got the same treatment).

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2 years ago
Aug 20, 2022, 2:44:30 PM

Have you checked the descriptormappers? They are setup for only value and property which will ignore any possible "per" and hence will only show the base "<value> <Property>" like +2 Money


Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 8:20:17 AM

Hi there! I had a look to the changes log sheet and I like a lot the philosophy behind what I saw : %age based bonus scale better than flat bonuses. Plus %age bonus emphasis cities specialization, a thing that the game could do better in my opinion.

Then I compared the mod bonuses from some events in my ongoing game and I was quite surprised to see that, in the two events I looked (only two yes), the mod bonuse values were actually lower than the flat vanilla ones. The cities concerned were quite specialised, so thus the surprise.

So here is the question : how did you proceed to determine the bonuses in your mod? A lighted feeling from experience? Some highly avanced math? I am curious (and very interested in your mod). :)

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 10:55:05 AM
Kruos wrote:

Hi there! I had a look to the changes log sheet and I like a lot the philosophy behind what I saw : %age based bonus scale better than flat bonuses. Plus %age bonus emphasis cities specialization, a thing that the game could do better in my opinion.

Then I compared the mod bonuses from some events in my ongoing game and I was quite surprised to see that, in the two events I looked (only two yes), the mod bonuse values were actually lower than the flat vanilla ones. The cities concerned were quite specialised, so thus the surprise.

So here is the question : how did you proceed to determine the bonuses in your mod? A lighted feeling from experience? Some highly avanced math? I am curious (and very interested in your mod). :)

Can you tell more info? Most changes were made by instinct, so specific info about your cities and the events that transpired would help a lot

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2 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 11:33:56 AM

Fever Pitch I : +15 indus in vanilla, +7% modded. My city capital was quite specialised (not full but quite - EDIT: actually not specialised) in production with 144 indus per turn. So the modded result would be around +10ish, so less than vanilla. For context it was during medieval (but I guess events are more or less era bond, right?).

Fever Pitch II : same idea, +20 vanilla / +10% modded, vanilla sligthly > modded.

For instance, having a +10%/+15% on FPI/II for indus bonus would be better (in this specific case). But it is only one sample, difficult to generalize (and for a full indus specialised city +7%/+10% would match vanilla probably). 

So yeah, looking at this made me curious on how you determined your %bonus and the rational behind. I will test your mod in a futur game and give feedback. :)

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 1:30:05 PM

I don't want to be rude but your city had a low output, which explains why a flat +15 would appear better to you, than the +7% which would normally be much better.

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2 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 1:43:50 PM
Cure_off wrote:

I don't want to be rude but your city had a low output, which explains why a flat +15 would appear better to you, than the +7% which would normally be much better.

Yes, even if I would not say 'low' output, it was not a full indus specialised city. For a full indus builder city the current mod %age would be better certainly. 

Thus my questionning on the rational behind this %age bonus determination. The vanilla bonuses suit better an average city, while the current mod bonuses tends to suit better a more specialised one (all FIMS concerned). It is clearly a cursor to position.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 21, 2022, 5:37:04 PM

Thanks to the amazing @Shakee, I managed to make a better version of the mod with updated UI. Please keep with the feedback and we'll keep making it as good as it can be.

Here's an example: 

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2 years ago
Aug 24, 2022, 12:24:24 PM

Great for the new improved tooltips! :)

On my side, I have continued to compare vanilla and modded events in my on-going game, and so far it confirms what I said above, that the modded bonuses emphasis a more specialized approach. Up to early-modern age they look fine to me for now.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 25, 2022, 8:02:11 PM

The Combine : +15 fame vanilla, +150 modded.

Definitively better modded : there is actually a choice with the mod (+1 city cap or 150 fame), while vanilla the +1 city cap is clearly a no brainer. Very good change here!

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 27, 2022, 7:40:17 PM

Pestilent pastures event doesn't correspond to the changes:

From the game:

From the mod's file:

I haven't thought to check if the text and the effect were off or only the first one.

And some events need to be modified the same than »Filthy Masses« was (an example):

And sadly, while compatible with challenges from event, the mod seems not to permit unlocking achievements.

I've little to play and might try to unlock one of my missing achievement, but I'll return to the mod without a doubt as soon as I get it.
Don't hesitate to tell me if you need more precise feedback, I don't like to comment values as I play very differently than most.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 3, 2022, 1:02:06 PM
Cure_off wrote:

Pestilent pastures event doesn't correspond to the changes:

Took me long enough! Anyway, fixed the bug with Pestilent Pastures, but could not reproduce the A Common Curriculum bug.

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