Bug description 

Simple bug got attacked by a scout on my scout and stuck in "Babylonians are playing", waited for 30 minutes now.

Chose auto-deploy formation but intended to fight the battle myself just to put my scouts on constant defense. 

Nortifications this turn: "Matar converted to a new religion" // "Curriosity Collected" // New Grievance Avaible""

Game settings: Normal Speed, Map Huge, Land % 70, 4 continents, no new world, Standard Islands, and the rest put on normal settings

3. Attachments /!\ 


Diagnostics (2021'08'18 @1523'32''861''').html

auto-save 284.ctr

auto-save 285.ctr

4. Steps to reproduce 

I have tried to reproduce the battle but it never becomes the same, tried both with the turn 27 and turn 28 files. But as the placement of the base is different the exact same scenario never happens. So I'm unable to reproduce the results of infinite battle

5. Expected behavior 

That the enemy makes a move