In this save I captured the Independent City of Dur-Kurigalzu before they had a chance to grow population or build defenses (which allows me to instantly capture.) I realized my influence dropped because I had too many cities so I liberated Dur-Kurigalzu and then decided to recapture because I noticed it had built 2 districts; one when it was founded and once again after I liberated it. 

I was able to repeat the process a few times and managed to exploit around 6 districts before the city had grown a pop which made the process take longer but still possible.

Step 1. Liberate a city with no defense or population (thus spawning a district)

Step 2. Immediately capture the city (can be done instantly because of 0 population)

Step 3. Repeat

I believe the problem lies with the liberated city being able to instantly produce a district each time it's liberated.

Thank you for the awesome game and I look forward to the improvements! <3

Romans Turn 102.ctr