Turn 276. At war with an empire. Wanted to try out all of the different military means at my disposal before game end.

For several turns prior to this, I had used Howitzers, Battleships, and Monowing Fighters to shell the city and its surrounding districts.  On this turn, I did enough damage to destroy the target city.

One of two things would happen each time:
  1. The Main Plaza would hit zero health and fade out.
  2. The Main Plaza would hit zero health and remain.
In either of these instances, the game would be unable to process to the next turn, locked in "Pending" indefinitely.
A save and reload would inevitably spawn an error message, one of which I managed to copy:

The operation was canceled.

at Amplitude.Mercury.Game.Game+<DoStart>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00157] in <e606c76f24df4f658f27082af4ec6286>:0
at Amplitude.Coroutine.Run () [0x00019] in <a38bac599c844a99a8a4fcca3b37292e>:0

I will update this thread and attach my save file if possible.
I will also test out if destroying another city in a similar manner will produce the same effect.

Update: I used indirect fire to destroy another city. The game progressed without issue. Later, I saved and attempted to again level the original target city, and the game gets stuck in the Pending status next turn as expected.

I have attached my save from the moment before. The target city is Hattusa, the original city of the current Zulu empire.